Directors’ Profile

Vincent Ah Chuen

Non-Executive Chairperson

Vincent Ah Chuen is the Managing Director of ABC Group of Companies. He is Chairman of ABC Motors Company Ltd and MUA Stockbroking Ltd. He is Director of MUA Ltd, MUA Life Ltd, MUA Kenya, MUA Uganda, Phoenix of Tanzania Assurance Company Limited, New Goodwill Investment Ltd and Medine Distillery Company Ltd. He is a member of the MIoD and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. He is also active in various social and cultural activities.

Mr Ah Chuen is a competent, skilled, and knowledgeable person, capable of independent and impartial thinking.

Professor Donald Ah-Chuen G.O.S.K.

Non-Executive Director

Professor Donald Ah-Chuen holds an M.B.A (University of Strathclyde, UK). He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (England & Wales) and Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Australia) and holds an M.C.I.P.D (Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, UK). In March 2009, he was conferred the distinction of G.O.S.K (Grand Officer of the Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean) in recognition of his valuable contribution in the sectors of Banking & Financial Services and Tertiary Education. Professor Ah-Chuen is a former Board Director of the Development Bank of Mauritius and the Bank of Mauritius, former Chairman of the Standard Bank (Mauritius) Ltd and of the Mauritius Chamber of Commerce & Industry (2000 and 2006). He was Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Mauritius, Chairman of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation and also of the Tertiary Education Commission of Mauritius. He was C.E.O of the Graham Group of Companies, Sydney and Chairman of the Association of Steel Galvanizing Companies of Australia & New Zealand.

Professor Ah-Chuen is currently a Board Director of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd and the Managing Director of ABC Banking Corporation Limited. He is also a Director of ABC Motors Co. Ltd, company listed on the DEM.

Sydney Ah Yoong

Non-Executive Director

Sydney Ah Yoong is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) since 1987. He has worked at Deloitte for more than 38 years and is a retired partner since December 2012. He is also a Director of ABC Banking Corporation Ltd and Bee Equity Partners, companies listed on the DEM.

Véronique Magny-Antoine

Executive Director

Founder and Managing Director of SILEO Corporate Services Ltd, Veronique is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Company Secretaries and Administrators and a Corporate Governance Practitioner, with more than 20 years’ experience in the Global Business and the domestic market. She acted as Director on a large number of client companies including subsidiaries of several multinationals at Ocorian Corporate Services Limited (previously ABAX Corporate Services Ltd) involved in diverse industries and activities, and she chaired various Board meetings and several Corporate Governance Committees over those 10 years. She is also a Member of the MIoD and the Company Secretaries Circle.

Véronique Magny-Antoine was appointed as Director of the Company on 10 November 2021.

Pierre Arthur de Chasteigner du Mée

Non-Executive Director

Pierre du Mée, A.C.E.A., Director and Secretary of MUA Stockbroking Ltd., is a Sworn Broker, a Stockbroker, on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius, a licensed Company Secretary and a fellow member of the Chartered Management Institute (England). He is also a Director of Investec Bank (Mauritius) Ltd.

Valérie Ah-Chuen

Independent Director

Mrs. Valérie Ah-Chuen Juban is currently the Strategic Business Development Manager at the ABC Foods cluster. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the European University of Toulouse, France. Her previous roles include Strategic Manager at SPEEDFREIGHT LTD, Marketing Executive in the Life Assurance Department at GOOD HARVEST LIMITED (an accredited agent of Mauritius Union Assurance), and Business Development Manager at Orange Eight Ltd (formerly ABC Capital Ltd). Additionally, she serves as a non-executive Director for ABC Motors Company Limited, and is a board member for other companies within the ABC Group.

Pierre Yves Pougnet

Non-Executive Director

Pierre Yves Pougnet, an accountant by profession, has been a Director of P.O.L.I.C.Y. Limited since 1981. He is presently the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee. He started his career with an audit firm. In 1975 he joined the Eclosia Group where he occupied executive functions, amongst which he was the managing director of Panagora Marketing and also managing director of Food and Allied Industries Ltd. He was the Vice Chairman of the Group when he retired in 2015.

Karl Braunecker

Independent Director

Karl Braunecker is the founder and Managing Director of Connections Tourism Management Ltd (‘Connections’), which operates in Mauritius since 1996 as DMC (Destination Management Company) and Inbound Tour Operator. In 1982, he created Connections Reunion, which has become a major tour operator on this island. Before Connections, he was Project Manager for the Construction of Maritim Hotel and, after the opening Hotel Manager until 1996.

Mr Braunecker has more than 50 years of experience in the tourism industry in Mauritius and abroad. He is one of the pioneers in developing the MICE (meetings, Incentive, Conferences & Events) business into Mauritius and is the founder of Incentive Travel & Meeting Association (ITMA).

Ah-Lan Lam Yan Foon

Independent Director

Ah-Lan LAM YAN FOON is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. He has worked for about 10 years in an international firm of Chartered Accountants where he has acquired experience in various sectors of the economy. Over 24 years he worked for a leading Freight Forwarding and Shipping company, Rogers Group, where he held the position of Finance & Administration Director and subsequently acted as Managing Director for 6 years up to his retirement.

During the period 2000-2016, he provided consultancy services in various fields of Finance & Management. He is a founder member of the ACCA (Mauritius Branch) and was its President in 1988. He was awarded the Certificate of Recognition for Dedication and Commitment to the service of ACCA in 2004. He was the first elected President of the Mauritius Red Cross Society (2007-2010) at national level. He is a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce (founded in 1908) and is currently the Vice President of the Mauritius Economic Society (founded in 1962). He is also the Chairman of ABC Group Pension Fund.